Do you feel that there is more than the life you are living?
Is there is a calling inside of you that is dying to come out?
Do you feel stuck, blocked, or bored with life? Like you would give anything to be in a life that feels exciting, thrilling, and filled with things you love?
Do you have something you are longing to make, build, write or create? But you don’t know how? Maybe when you have tried in the past, you haven't gotten too far?
Have you found yourself procrastinating, or putting off the things you want most?
Is there a HUGE life that you know wants to be lived through you? But you feel like there is an invisible wall or barrier keeping you from getting there?
We have a HUGE PASSION — to see you living your dreams! There is a voice, a calling, a desire in you to live a life that is alignment with what you love most, that will make the biggest impact on the world, and we want to help you get there. We bring together Eastern and Western Thought, positive psychology, combined with thousands of hours studying the creative process and have designed a program to help you grow and nurture your one-of-a-kind dream. You came to this planet with a purpose — a purpose only YOU can give because it was tailor made FOR you, and we want to help you let it rip.
Here’s what you’ll get in our “Play Shop” (we don’t like the word “Work!”)
How to recognize, refine, and realize your dream — it is fully formed inside of you right now…
Learn how what you see in your outer world is a reflection of what is going on in your inner world, and how to have mastery over consciously creating what you want.
Discover what your masculine and feminine energy is and how to harness it, listen to it, and let it serve you. Once you understand your masculine and feminine energy, and get them working together, so your actions go further and farther!
Understand your Chakras: what are they, when they form, how they get blocked, and how to open them and let your dream grow through them.
Unlock why we get blocked, sabotage, procrastinate or run away from our calling, and how we can move through the discomfort to allow a bigger life.
How to use the Power of Play because dreams were meant to be fun and bring us back to the child-like creator in all of us!
Over 7 hours of video content filled with exercises, worksheets, and meditations that were all created to help you grow the divine vision inside of you.
There is so much information your dream has for you, if you are willing to get still and listen to it, then it will begin to seduce you.
The Universe put that dream inside of you and will also give your the resources to help it come to life
Your dream is meant to turn you on! It is Life’s gift to you, and your gift to Life.
If you tap into the rich inner knowing within, that is also all around, you’ll begin to see miracles and ease in every part of your world.
You were meant to feel infinitely loved, supported, and guided.
Learn how to observe the voice of the Inner Critic (the Ego) and to not allow its Illusions and s*#it talk to keep you from expanding.
Your Creation will come through you and heal you, as it also provides healing for others. It is a Self-Refining Process.
Click here to begin the deep dive.
7 hours of video content, worksheets, journal prompts and exercises all for $179.00.
Everything included in the deep dive as well as The CREATE BOOK all for $189.00.
Exclusively for our #100daysofjoy campaign - you can purchase any individual video for $25!
In this workshop series we travel up the energetic anatomy of the chakra system. We go through these seven steps of creativity, so that you can get in alignment with your dreams from within. You get an understanding of the function of each chakra regarding your creativity and will be given exercises throughout the course of the “playshop".