Jessica Rainville

“I took Kristin's online writing class in December. I loved the fact I could take it while I was on vacation in Punta Cana! Kristin was nothing short of amazing. Her encouragement, advice, and knowledge literally catapulted my work to a whole new level. I wanted to write a multi-episode audio drama podcast, but I was having trouble getting started. If it wasn't for this class, I wouldn't have a 95 page FIRST SEASON. I'm currently working on my second season and then I'll be getting ready to do a read-through. My biggest hang-up was that I tried too hard to focus on "facts." I was losing my voice in the writing. Once Kristin drew that out of me (and trust me, she did!), I was unstoppable. I can say with confidence that this class is 110% worth it. The flexibility of being online meant that if I had to miss a class, I could watch the recorded class or if I needed a refresher on something that was discussed, I could go back and watch it. Plus, we all developed these amazing relationships which continue TO THIS DAY in our online group page. Knowing I have a whole group of people supporting my journey after the class is over makes it even better.” 

-Jessica Rainville

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